An interactive troubleshooting & guided diagnostics solution for industry.

Significantly improve first-time-fix rates and repair costs whilst reducing equipment down-time.

Our AI powered Guided Diagnostic system ‘AIDIA’ works in assisting service engineers and field technicians to carry out diagnostics processes with ease and accuracy.

AI powered guided diagnostics system AIDIA is designed to enhance maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair processes. The solution uses AI learning to adjust the relevance of a solution automatically based on successful diagnosis. This leads to faster, more accurate problem resolution, minimising downtime and reducing operational costs.

AIDIA Key features illustrations


A step-by-step diagnostics and troubleshooting solution that uses AI learning and a series of specific and dynamically delivered question and answer options to help users find possible root causes as efficiently as possible.


Customise documentation, videos, and pictures to guarantee the tech can troubleshoot even unfamiliar equipment and symptoms.


Tailored troubleshooting content for unique configurations and workflows while integrating new field experience.

Diagnostic solutions for complex equipment

Our solution enables Technicians of all levels to get to the fix, faster. By case based reasoning and an organically expanding knowledge base, Technicians will be able to access a live system which contains all known solutions across the network.

Analysing live data to continuously change and adapt outputs, the solution then alters the solutions offered based on a multitude of criteria. Overall improving speed of diagnosis and quality of repair.


  • Reduce diagnostic times
  • Minimise repair times
  • Reduce no-fault-found parts
  • Improve first time fix rates
  • Increase equipment uptime
  • Reduce unscheduled removal rate
  • Improve equipment design and reliability
  • Improve dealer support
  • Increase customer satisfaction

Request a free demonstration

We offer free no obligation demonstrations of all the solutions you see here. Simply follow the link to arrange a demonstration with one of our knowledgeable and helpful team members.

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